To our staff
We give a heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our colleagues for their hard work, support and dedication to one another and our learners/ pupils during these truly extraordinary times.
Dudley Academies Trust recognises that positive mental health and wellbeing are essential to the development of thriving and successful staff and pupils/learners. It is therefore vital to our aims as a Trust that we provide high quality emotional health and wellbeing support.
Regular updates and communication continue to be provided by the Chief Executive, Principal and individual line managers. Updates to parents and carers can also be found under the COVID > Updates area of the website.
Please see below some Trust and external resources which are available to you. It is essential that colleagues do let their line manager or a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) know if additional support is required. We are here to talk, support one another and direct colleagues to appropriate resources. Below are some resources available from the Trust or via other external sources.
- Public Health England Mental Health & Wellbeing.
- Trust wellbeing update 24/03/20 (containing links to MIND, Every Mind Matters & Headspace etc.)
- Trust wellbeing update 30/03/20 (containing link to Mental Health, NHS etc.)
- Hays Wellbeing Training (made accessible via Dudley Academies Trust, should you need assistant with log in details, please contact our Safeguarding & Compliance Officer, Rebecca Meacham by emailing [email protected]).
- Twinkle 10 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing During School Closures.
- Ditchling Yoga have made their content free for all teachers and NHS staff.
- Headspace (meditation).
- NHS Couch to 5k (exercise).
- Anna Freud, National Centre for Children and Families resources.
- Mind resources.
- Every mind matters selfcare tool
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Charity
- Grieving Support
- Cycle Scheme
- Understanding and Calming Anxiety Video
- Britannica Digital Learning Free eBook: Tackling Anxiety and Encouraging Resilience!
Note: external resources will be available subject to the source. Learner resources can be found under the Curriculum > Mental Health, Wellbeing and Online Safety area of the website.
Best wishes and take care.